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Comments on "Good People! Wake Up!" (by Theresa El-Amin)
Submitted July 5, 2018by Doug Stuber:
Good points Theresa!
The addition of a task force that will “review” the status of those who are already Citizens, apparently to consider deportation is horrific.
But the religion-based ban that has been held up should make everyone realize that politics reigns Supreme over the constitution at the Supreme Court. 
Submitted June 30, 2018 by Ann Menasche:
We have a horrid Supreme Court - very conservative and pro corporate in most things and now this. Many of them - at least four - are clearly right wing ideologues and should never have been confirmed. ( If they believed Anita Hill, Thomas would never have been confirmed.) 
They've shown, including Kennedy whose been the "middle" in a right wing court - a complete double standard on First Amendment religious freedoms  - see
The Court also just struck a blow to already weak unions. 
And because the Democrats are an ineffective opposition Party (as well as bad when in power) ,  it's about to get worse with Kennedy leaving, probably another Scalia appointed.  Roe vs Wade will be in its crosshairs and much more. 
We need mass movements for immigrant rights, for Black liberation, for women's liberation, a revitalized union movement, a mass Party of the Left. We need a Revolution. We need so much it can be overwhelming. 
I'm going to join a rally today for immigrant children and their parents. Sometimes putting one foot  in front of the other is all we can do and it might make a difference.

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